Erie Avenue Project
Phase 1 began in Summer 2022 and included total reconstruction of Erie Avenue (including new sidewalks and curbs) from 5th to 8th Streets in downtown Logansport, with work on 5th Street between Melbourne Avenue and Erie Avenue.
Due to unexpected gas line conflicts delaying construction, Erie Avenue reopened to traffic in December 2022, with minor work to be completed in 2023.
Preliminary plans for the design of the road from 8th Street to 18th Street were developed and a public meeting to present the plans and hear input from residents was held March 6, 2023.
In November 2023, the Common Council of the City of Logansport approved a resolution to apply for an INDOT grant through the Rural Federal-Aid Projects for road work for Erie Avenue between 8th and 12th Street, and match funding not to exceed $800,000. Crossroad Engineers will complete the submission application.
According to Resolution 2023-147, the estimated project fee for the design and reconstruction project of Erie Avenue between 8th and 12th Streets is $3,456,240.