Community Projects
One of the things the Logansport Re-Imagined team has consistently heard is that residents want more and better communication about things happening in the community.
We’re working to develop this page as a central location to find information and updates about many of the projects happening in Logansport, Indiana.
The Logansport Parks & Recreation Foundation is raising funds to bring multiple improvements and a new clubhouse to Dykeman Park Municipal Golf Course. Planting of 135 new trees has been completed; other planned improvements include repaving of cart paths, refinishing and updating cart barns, addition of parking spaces and improved tee marker signage.
More info
The Batman Museum in Logansport, Indiana — which is reminiscent of the popular Hollywood Museum exhibit from several years ago — will be operated by Fiberglass Freaks, a locally-owned company that builds the only officially licensed full-scale Batmobile replicas.
Construction on a new Logansport Savings Bank (LSB) downtown campus began in July 2024. This significant construction project will be completed in phases, with the initial construction and renovation efforts impacting the vacant building next to the bank’s main branch. That building will become the new Logansport Savings Bank Operations Center. Once completed, work will begin on the Logansport Savings Bank branch location, drive-thru, and ATM – likely planned for later next year, toward the end of 2025. | More info
The Cass County Community Foundation is working on a grant to fund a larger project which would include erecting a 16,000 sq ft open-air multi-use facility, constructing an incubator kitchen, and acquiring land within the city limits that will be available to local growers for gardening and food production.
City-owned property along the Eel River west of Riverside Park is being prepped for redevelopment following the demolition of facilities that formerly served Logansport Utilities. A privately-owned event center is planned for the site. | More info
A subdivision with space for construction of 52 new single-family homes on High Street and Yorktown Road in Logansport. | More info
Former Jefferson School property (401 Tanguy Street)
The City of Logansport acquired the site of the former Jefferson School on Tanguy Street in Summer 2022 and ownership was transferred to the Logansport Redevelopment Commission (RDC) in December 2023 as a potential location for residential housing development. A proposal from a developer to build 8 duplexes is in the site review and agreement stage as of Summer 2024.
Patriot Park – 133 W. Wheatland Ave.
The Parks Board has marked this park as surplus per Res. 2021-18 and the area was rezoned from open space to high density residential in early 2024. A proposal from a developer to for a project that would include 8 single family houses, 5 duplexes and 3 triplexes, as well as community amenities like greenspace and playground space as well as possible commercial space, such as a café , is in the site review and agreement stage as of Summer 2024.
Melbourne Park – 1317 Melbourne Ave.
The agenda for the Logansport Plan Commission meeting on April 8, 2024 includes a public hearing on a resolution to rezone the approximately 1.83+/- acre property at 1317 Melbourne Ave. from open space (OS) to Medium Density Residential (R3). The Parks Board has marked this park as surplus per Res. 2021-18.
In February 2023, the City of Logansport was awarded $490,500 to address blighted conditions by demolishing the concrete slab foundation of the Trelleborg site, located at One North General Street in Logansport. | More info
A regional retail center under redevelopment on the east end of Logansport.| More info
Under construction in the outlot east of Dollar Tree.
The City of Logansport continues to look at options to increase the availability of housing.
Lexington Village
A subdivision with space for construction of 52 new single-family homes on the east end of Logansport.
Chase / Davis Property
In June 2023, the Logansport Redevelopment Commission purchased land at the southwest corner of Chase and Davis Roads for future residential development.
Former Jefferson School property (401 Tanguy Street)
The City of Logansport acquired the site of the former Jefferson School on Tanguy Street in Summer 2022 and ownership was transferred to the Logansport Redevelopment Commission (RDC) in December 2023 as a potential location for residential housing development. A proposal from a developer to build 8 duplexes is in the site review and agreement stage as of Summer 2024.
Patriot Park – 133 W. Wheatland Ave.
The Parks Board has marked this park as surplus per Res. 2021-18 and the area was rezoned from open space to high density residential in early 2024. A proposal from a developer to for a project that would include 8 single family houses, 5 duplexes and 3 triplexes, as well as community amenities like greenspace and playground space as well as possible commercial space, such as a café , is in the site review and agreement stage as of Summer 2024.
Melbourne Park – 1317 Melbourne Ave.
The Parks Board has marked this park as surplus per Res. 2021-18. and was rezoned in summer 2024 from open space (OS) to Medium Density Residential (R3) to allow for future redevelopment.
Wright Street between 15th and 16th Streets
This area where the former Tipton Elementary School was located has been owned by Peak Community Services, Inc. since 2016. As of August 2024, two duplexes that will provide independent living options are nearing completion.
Trelleborg Site Redevelopment
The City of Logansport was awarded funding in February 2023 to address blighted conditions by demolishing the concrete slab foundation of the Trelleborg site, located at One North General Street in Logansport. The 12.52+ acre property was rezoned from Light Industrial to High Density Residential (R4) in Summer 2024. A developer has proposed a three phase project to include housing and daycare on the site.
18th Street and Hoosier Heartland Highway Vision
A concept for mixed use development including affordable apartments and homes, a community center to support the students at Ivy Tech and residents, green space for recreation and new commercial district.
New Businesses and Business Expansions
The link above has details about the businesses continuing to invest in Logansport
On the Banks of the Eel River (Riverfront Redevelopment and Event Center)
The demolition of Logansport Utilities’ water and electric generating plants opened approximately 6.5 acres for the redevelopment of the Eel riverfront near Riverside Park. The Vibrant Event Center is scheduled to open in Summer 2024. A new parking lot at the west end of Riverside Park where the water plant stood will serve both the event center and the park. Funds from READI 2.0 have been proposed to help create a shovel ready site for other developments in the area.
Logansport Savings Bank Downtown Campus
In July 2024, Logansport Savings Bank (LSB) began construction on a new downtown campus, which will transform the vacant building next to the bank’s main branch into an operations center for the bank.
Airport Corporate Hangar Building
The Logansport/Cass County Airport is constructing a new 100’x118′ corporate hangar building and associated site work. The project began in Spring 2024.
The Junction
A regional retail center under redevelopment on the east end of Logansport.
Logansport Farmer’s Market
The Cass County Community Foundation is working on a grant to fund a larger project which would include erecting a 16,000 sq ft open-air multi-use facility, constructing an incubator kitchen, and acquiring land within the city limits that will be available to local growers for gardening and food production.
Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA)
Logansport’s Downtown DORA launched in Summer 2024 and allows individuals aged 21 years and older to enjoy our downtown area with responsibly consumed beverages during the hours of 11 a.m.-midnight daily.
Hotel Study Update
The City of Logansport updated its hotel study, which is used by hotels to determine whether communities are good candidates for future locations, in the first quarter of 2024.
Parks Master Plan
The Logansport Parks & Recreation Department worked with Context Design (Indianapolis), Zec Eight Insights (Indianapolis), and ETC Institute (Olathe, KS) to update the 5-year master plan, which was approved in Spring 2024.
Upcoming Park Improvement Projects
Upcoming projects listed at the January 2024 Parks Board meeting include electricity for Fairview pavilions, Fairview restroom update, Dykeman Pavilion update, Dykeman restroom, 3 new shelters at Spencer Park, lower Spencer shelter work, 1 new shelter at Bishop Park, basketball court rehab at Bishop Park, Penman Building roof and kitchenette, new Muehlhausen playground.
Muehlhausen Park Playground Equipment Replacement
Installation of new playground equipment at Muehlhausen Park was completed in early April 2024.
Riverside Park Improvements
Several sports courts were installed and several projects were completed in Summer 2022. The City of Logansport has allocated funds to pave the gravel lot where the water plant was demolished at the west end of the park as part of the riverfront redevelopment project.
Spencer Park Shelter
Stabilization work on the lower shelter at Spencer Park began in late February 2024 and was completed in mid-May 2024 and the shelter was open to “informal” or “drop in” use, but reservations are not being accepted because of work that is yet to be completed. Additional landscaping, carpentry, painting and electrical work is necessary to fully improve the facility for formal public use. Three new shelters were also constructed at Spencer Park in Spring/Summer 2024.
Wright Street Bark Park
The Logansport Parks & Recreation Foundation received a grant from IHCDA along with a crowdfunding campaign to transform the former softball field at Muehlhausen Park into the Wright Street Bark Park. Construction was completed in Fall 2023/Winter 2024 and a grand opening was held in May 2024.
Dykeman Park Clubhouse and Improvements
The Logansport Parks & Recreation Foundation has raised funds to bring multiple improvements and a new clubhouse to Dykeman Park Municipal Golf Course. Planting of 135 new trees has been completed; other planned improvements include repaving of cart paths, refinishing and updating cart barns, addition of parking spaces and improved tee marker signage.
Urban Park & The Depot
Renovations of The Depot at 4th and Melbourne to include public restrooms, with the ticket booth and some open space remaining for a welcome area, and improving the landscaping around The Depot and the access ramp on the south side of the building.
Street and Sidewalk Projects
The City of Logansport is continually planning for maintenance and upgrades for streets and sidewalks throughout the city.
Erie Avenue Project
A multi-phase reconstruction of Erie Avenue starting with 5th to 8th Streets began in Summer 2022. Plans have been developed to complete work from 8th Street to 18th Street.
Mall Road & Yorktown Road
With additional development set to occur at The Junction and Lexington Village, the City of Logansport is aware of the need for additional improvements to Mall Road and Yorktown Road.
Public Works Campus Project
As of April 2024, the City of Logansport has issued a Request for Proposals/Qualifications (RFPQ) to design, obtain financing, construct and/or transfer a new Public Works Campus in the City under a public-private partnership. The purpose and intent of the Project is to fulfill critical public works responsibilities and provide a safe and secure working environment for the Logansport Street Department and Logansport Utilities. Proposals were due May 16, 2024.
MARC Grant
EPA selected the City of Logansport for a $400,000 community-wide grant to conduct 11 Phase I and eight to ten Phase II environmental site assessments.
Soil cleanup near former Exide battery facility
Starting early April, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will resume lead-contaminated soil cleanup in residential yards near the former Exide Battery facility at 303 Water Street, Logansport, Indiana. Anticipated to last through the summer, 15 properties will be addressed. The cleanups will be completed at no cost to property owners or residents. Cleanup of 5 residential yards was completed in Fall 2023.
Utility Projects
Logansport Utilities handles electric, water, sewer and stormwater projects in Logansport.
Lead Service Line Replacement
Logansport Utilities will be replacing 4,500 water service lines over the next few years, contingent on funding support. This is directly from the EPA’s Lead Cooper Rules Revision Regulation to emphasize safe drinking water within a designated time period. In July 2024, LU was awarded funding for phase 2, and will be accepting construction bid submissions for the next round of water line replacement work later this year.
Capital Improvement Plan, Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Between 2023 and 2026, Logansport Utilities will be completing several mandated water/stormwater/sewer projects.
LU Combined Sewer Overflows #11-12 & Linden Avenue Wet Weather Project
As mandated under the EPA and IDEM’s Long-Term Control Plan to limit the amount of stormwater overflow into our rivers during rain events.
Drinking Water Improvements Project
Recommended upgrades to LU’s drinking water infrastructure include watermain replacements, hydrant replacements, a leaks report, metering equipment upgrades, and booster pump station improvements. The project will be funded through a DWSRF loan. Work began in February 2024.
Estimated completion dates:
- Watermain Replacements Project – February 20, 2026
- SR 29 Watermain Replacement Project – October 24, 2024
- Small Diameter Watermain Replacement Project – October 24, 2024
- 26th Street and Lynas Street Booster Station Improvements Project – February 28, 2025
Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement Project
This project is in tandem with the ongoing state-mandated “Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)” with “Combined Sewer Overflow” projects adding more water processing and treatment demand to the already aged wastewater treatment infrastructure. The upgrade to the headworks facilities will efficiently manage the increase of capacity and provide more reliable screening and grit removal to protect other downstream equipment. The project is expected to begin in November 2024 and be completed in January 2027.
69 KV Transmission Pole Replacement – Phase 1
This project involves replacing 45 to 50 wooden transmission poles with new steel poles and 7 wood distribution poles. In addition, plans include the transfer of existing 69kV conductors, 13.2kV underbuild conductors and associated distribution facilities. This will provide unrivaled, stronger structures for increased resiliency and system stability. The project is expected to begin in the 2nd quarter of 2024 and be completed in June 2026.
Smart Meter Installation
In Summer 2023, Logansport Utilities began installing electric and water “smart meters” to residences and businesses as a part of the new Automated (Advanced) Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project. The new AMI system will accurately measure water and electricity consumption and rapidly detect leaks or power outages for all customers.
Wellfield Improvement and Well Development
This project entails rebuilding of existing well houses in addition to pump improvements and software upgrades; focusing on exploration and development of a redundant wellfield to serve Logansport and the surrounding areas. The project began in March 2023 and is expected to be completed in June 2025.
North River Substation Upgrade
Updated distribution equipment including breakers and the building itself to bring this component of the system up to date with industry standards. This will provide safer and more fortified elements for increased durability and electric reliability. The project began in June 2021 and is expected to be completed in June 2024.
LU Customer Service Kiosk Installation
A 24-hour self-serve kiosk for utility bill payments was installed at the end of April 2024, with a second kiosk installed in July 2024, as LU is aligning with industry standards to improve the bill-paying process with better speed and convenience, along with following federal ADA standards and providing multiple languages accessibility.
Wayfinding signage
A community plan for wayfinding signage throughout Cass County was developed several years ago; funding is needed to implement it.
Logansport is continually looking at ways to address parking needs for the downtown district as well as other areas.
Internet / Broadband / Wifi
Several organizations are discussing options for enhancing connectivity within Logansport.
Flood Plain Update
The City of Logansport is in the process of updating its FEMA flood maps for the areas from Riverside Park to 18th Street since removal of the 10th street dams.
Spanish Phone Line
As of March 11, 2024, a Spanish phone line is available to the public weekdays during certain daytime hours. Callers will be able to speak with a bilingual call agent from the Language Matters team, who can connect them with the city service they need. Staff members from the city departments can use the phone line for interpretation when a Spanish speaker contacts them directly.
Memorial Home
Discussions continue about the next steps for this historic property at 7th and Market. The roof is scheduled to be replaced in late summer / early fall 2024.
Fiberglass Freaks’ Batman Museum
The Batman Museum in Logansport, Indiana — which is reminiscent of the popular Hollywood Museum exhibit from several years ago — will be operated by Fiberglass Freaks, a locally-owned company that builds the only officially licensed full-scale Batmobile replicas.
Cass County Projects
Road Infrastructure Upgrades at Cass County Agribusiness Park
In September 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) awarded a $1.8 million grant to Cass County, Indiana, for road infrastructure upgrades at the Cass County Agribusiness Park, located on West County Road 300 South along the Hoosier Heartland Highway near Clymers. This project will increase business operations and provide continued industrial growth in a region impacted by changes in the energy economy. This EDA investment will be matched with $1.4 million in local funds. It is expected to create or retain more than 200 jobs and generate $68.5 million in private investment, according to grantee estimates.
Cass County has been working with Broadway Broadband on a $5.2 million project to add 237.5 miles of fiber to the county, boosting the total miles of fiber in the county to 356.5. The project will be funded with $1 million in READI funds, $1 million in funds from the American Rescue Plan and a $3.2 million investment from Broadway Broadband.
Several projects in Cass County, including Lexington Village and Urban Park in Logansport, and the Cass County broadband extension are part of the North Central Indiana Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) which includes matching funding. In April 2024, the North Central Indiana region, which includes Cass, Clinton, Fulton, Howard, Miami and Tipton Counties, was awarded $35 million in funding through READI 2.0.
ARP(A) Funding
The City of Logansport received approximately $4 million through the American Rescue Plan and opted into the standard allowance for revenue loss up to $10 million, allowing the city to utilize all ARPA funds received for government services. In 2022, the City Council allocated $2.5 million to the new police station; $50,000 for small businesses affected by COVID, the Melbourne Avenue project and other factors outside their control; $400,000 to infrastructure at The Junction; $750,000 to parking at Riverside Park and $30,000 toward acquisition of the Exide property.
Completed projects
See what’s happened in Logansport recently.