Completed Projects
Here’s a year-by-year look at projects that have happened in Logansport.
- Cass County selected for Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs’ Rural Empowerment and Development (RED) program (December 2024)
- Successful installation by Logansport Utilities of more than 6,500 electric department Automated (Advanced) Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters by Dec 2024. Project will continue. More than 3000 water department AMI meters installed and programmed, with an average of 150 added each day by December 2024.
- Installation of 25 of the 45 steel poles for first phase of Logansport Utilities steel pole project (December 2024)
- Dykeman Park Clubhouse Groundbreaking (October 2024)
- Eel River Riffle Project (October 2024)
- New roof on Cass County Memorial Home (September 2024)
- Downtown Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) launches (July 2024)
- Patriot Park playground equipment removed
- Construction begins on Logansport Savings Bank (LSB) Downtown Campus (July 2024)
- New picnic shelters at Spencer and Bishop Parks (Spring 2024)
- New playgrounds at Columbia Elementary and Landis Elementary (Spring/Summer 2024)
- Wright Street Bark Park opens (May 2024)
- Parks Master Plan approved (Spring 2024)
- Regional Stellar Pathways application submitted by Cass County (May 2024)
- Infrastructure completed and construction of first house at Lexington Village begins (Spring 2024)
- Stabilization work at Spencer Park Lower Shelter
- Muehlhausen Park playground equipment replacement
- Water main and service line replacements begin
- New businesses & business expansions
- Spencer Park Sidewalk Replacement
- Logansport Police Station opens
- Wright Street Bark Park Crowdfunding Campaign / Construction begins
- Soil cleanup near former battery plant begins
- S. Cicott Street Project
- Erie Avenue Project Phase 1 completed
- Lexington Village infrastructure work begins
- Chase / Davis property purchased
- Downtown Traffic Signal Modernization / 4th and 5th Street Conversion to Two-Way Traffic
- MARC Grant awarded for environmental site assessments
- Fairview Park Renovations
- Logansport Utilities Water Service Line Replacement, Smart Meter Installation, Steel Pole Replacement and Combined Sewer Overflow projects begin
- One North General Street blight elimination funding awarded
- Logansport Intermediate School opens
- Demolition of former Columbia Middle School / 6th Grade Academy
- Fairview Elementary School renovations
- New businesses & business expansions
- INDOT bridge deck overlay preventative maintenance project on State Road 25 (Burlington Avenue) between Cliff Drive and Gates Street (south of Biddle’s Island). Work was completed in November 2022.
- Paving of 1.8 miles of the 4.7 total miles of streets in Mount Hope Cemetery. Streets which received work incude Doris, Muehlhausen, Eberts, Fiedler, Gutherie, Pleasant Hill 1 and 2, Cyprus, Neuman, For Get Met Not, Saint Bridget, Aichinger, Rose and Smith Streets, and Logan Way.
- Paving of Chase Road
- US 35 & Hoosier Heartland Lighting – The Logansport Street Department and Logansport Utilities worked improve lighting and road visibility at one of the city’s gateway entrances in 2022.
- Main Street Revitalization Program – A project to restore the façades of several buildings in the two designated historic districts within downtown Logansport.
- New murals by Logansport High School art students at American Legion and VFW
- Riverside Park Improvements
- Bird Scooters available throughout Logansport
- Paving of 22nd Street from Smead to Otto
- Removal of Eel River Dams and demolition of former electric generating plant and water plant
- New businesses & business expansions
- Melbourne Avenue Wet Weather Project
- Inovateus Solar Field
- Paving of George Street from 11th – 22nd Streets
- New mural by Logansport High School art students at Black Dog Coffee
- New businesses and business expansions