Strategic Community Focus Areas
One of the common themes throughout Logansport Re-Imagined’s community engagement efforts has been the desire to better communicate a shared vision for Logansport’s future and to work together toward achieving that vision.
Through input residents have shared in a variety of ways, community aspirations were developed and paired with objectives and goals from existing community plans. This can be updated as plans are revised and new project plans are created.
As you read the visions, objectives and goals below, think about the role you play in helping to achieve these goals and join in working together to achieve them! You can find more info about projects currently underway around the community here.
We want to confidently and consistently say:
Logansport is a diverse little city that people from all over the world choose to call home. It is a vibrant, thriving community where people are proud to be.

Logansport has an ample stock of safe, well-maintained places to live in all price ranges and for all stages of life. (LRI)
Create a diverse and attractive housing stock that accommodates all income levels of current residents and attracts future residents to the community. (READI 2.0, 2024).
- Understand potential housing needs and barriers to attainment (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Support single family residential development at a variety of product types and price points (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Support the development of multi-family residential development, including both rental and non-rental options (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Promote infill and redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties. (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Encourage redevelopment and reinvestment in existing neighborhoods and housing (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Encourage residential involvement and participation in cleaning up properties and neighborhoods (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Implement a stronger and more consistent code enforcement process (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)

Logansport residents have lifelong access to a wide variety of high-quality learning opportunities. (LRI)
Educate future generations, up-skill and re-skill current workforce and provide continued support to existing workforce to grow wages and meet the needs of a modern, 21st century innovation economy. (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Support and expand educational quality and programming at all levels in the community. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Early Childhood
- K-12
- Post-Secondary
- Adult Education
- EL
- Work with regional education partners to build a 21st century workforce with reskilling and upskilling programs (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Ensure that regional training and degree programs are aligned with the needs of regional employers and target sectors (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Support the next generation of regional workforce with career pathways programs (READI 2.0)
- Promote the need to improve job skills and the benefits of and opportunities for seeking additional education. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Promote existing training opportunities to local and regional businesses as well as to secondary and post-secondary students and families. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)

Logansport’s employers offer diverse opportunities and benefits that attract and retain talented individuals. (LRI)
Strategically incentivize high-paying jobs with comprehensive benefits to improve and diversify the quality of opportunity for existing residents and attract new community members from across the world (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Attract new private investment in target sectors and existing clusters (E.V. technology, advanced manufacturing, aeronautics, agriculture, and nuclear technology). (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Attract new, high-quality business and development to Logansport in order to provide a diverse and sustainable employment and tax base for the community (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Focus business expansion opportunities in Logansport on those industries which feed the needs of existing businesses within the region, create energy and climate desired by the community and whose presence will stop dollars from leaving the community. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Focus business attraction efforts on high-wage businesses that do not require disproportionate cost to provide local services (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Utilize strategic incentive programs to support targeted development and redevelopment opportunities in Logansport (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Ensure that Logansport has an adequate supply of appropriately located industrial land ready for development (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Continue to plan and leverage existing transportation assets including the runway at Grissom Aeroplex (READI 2.0)
- Support entrepreneurship and small business development (READI 2.0, 2024)
- Ensure that programs are in place to support the attraction of new small businesses to Logansport. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Target river-oriented businesses that will develop and occupy properties along the riverfronts (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Promote regional economic diversification to support economic resiliency. (READI 2.0)

VISION: Logansport’s robust healthcare system serves cross-cultural and multi-generational needs. (LRI)
Empower and engage residents in living healthy lifestyles to improve community health and wellness. Community health needs assessment, 2022)
- Strengthen partnerships to deliver mental health and substance use services more effectively in the community. (Community health needs assessment, 2022)
- Provide and support inclusive, accessible, and diverse health and wellness opportunities (Community health needs assessment, 2022)
- Provide opportunity for early intervention services for individuals with substance use disorders. (Community health needs assessment, 2022)
- Provide increased and varied access to healthcare services that are designed to meet the needs of the community served by Logansport Memorial Hospital (Community health needs assessment, 2022)
- Reduce the rates of fetal infant mortality (> than 20 weeks) and child mortality (under 18 years) in Cass County. (Community health needs assessment, 2022)

VISION: Well-maintained parks, trails and public spaces offer a variety of recreation experiences for both residents and visitors. (LRI)
OBJECTIVE: Maintain the long-term financial viability of the parks system to enhance quality of life for residents. (Logansport Parks Master Plan, 2024)
- Improve general maintenance and upkeep of all Parks Department managed properties (Logansport Parks Master Plan, 2024)
- Provide new amenities and / or facilities as documented through the completed surveys (Logansport Parks Master Plan, 2024)
- Encourage riverfront oriented attractions and recreation opportunity (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Capitalize on water-oriented recreational opportunities along the Wabash and Eel Rivers (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Develop easy pedestrian access points to the rivers (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Capitalize on water-oriented recreational opportunities along the Wabash and Eel Rivers (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Study best opportunities for a future sports complex (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Encourage riverfront oriented attractions and recreation opportunity (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Enhance Riverside Park to be a regional destination and to accommodate different programs (Logansport Parks Master Plan, 2024)
- Extend riverfront walkways and connect to regional trails network pursuant to trails plan (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Promote and educate the public about park programs, people, and issues. (Logansport Parks Master Plan, 2024)
- Enhance program activities for children ages 10-14, families, and senior citizens. (Logansport Parks Master Plan, 2024)
- Repurpose unused pieces of park land to private development or better park uses. (Logansport Parks Master Plan, 2024)
- Improve connectivity and programming at Dykeman Park Municipal Golf Course so that it may also be a regional destination for Cass County. (Parks Master Plan 2024).
- Continue to develop planned trail networks (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)

A diverse array of retail establishments and dining experiences are available to meet the needs of residents and attract visitors from other communities. (LRI)
Attract new private investment in retail and commercial properties throughout the community. (LRI)
- Develop a targeted attraction effort to bring additional restaurants downtown (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Support responsible development of commercial hubs including the downtown, the Ivy Tech area and the east end commercial area (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)

Residents and visitors experience and appreciate Logansport’s diverse amenities, venues and opportunities. (LRI)
Accommodate the cultural and social needs of the community and celebrate, protect and enhance the rich arts and cultural heritage and physical history of Logansport. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Promote the arts as a key aspect of quality of life, with emphasis creating an endowment to sustain arts programs. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Expand active and passive entertainment opportunities throughout the community (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Develop and promote an arts and culture tourism program for Logansport (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Create specialized incentives and programs to promote the growth of arts in the downtown (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)

Logansport is a safe community with well-maintained streets, sidewalks and public spaces, accessible and responsive programs and services and affordable, reliable utilities. (LRI)
Ensure the provision of essential services to existing and new development in Logansport. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Continue to be proactive in replacing, upgrading and maintaining utility infrastructure, especially aging infrastructure in high development potential areas such as the downtown core. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Continue to increase the region’s broadband connectivity and ensure the region’s communities are positioned to take advantage of broadband funding opportunities (READI)
- Work with local providers to develop broadband internet capabilities and use as a marketing tool throughout the community (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Work to provide free WIFI internet service in the downtown area (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
Roads & Streets
- Improve main travel corridors and increase safety at key intersections. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Coordinate improved gateways into Logansport (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Improve access to the larger trail system by updating the prioritized sidewalk repair and replacement program. Focus initial efforts on repair and widening of sidewalks in the core downtown area and key residential areas. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Continue investment in streetscape improvements and amenities (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Adopt a predictable and measured process for identifying and completing transportation projects. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Update thoroughfare plan (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Continue to support and expand public transportation options (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
Public Safety
- Support programming and investment to improve the delivery and perception of public safety. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Increase access to quality childcare services (READI)

People in Logansport are friendly, welcoming and inclusive and genuinely like living, learning, working and being in Logansport. (LRI)
People in Logansport are actively engaged in creating and promoting a place where they are proud to be. (LRI)
- Work with local stakeholders to develop the “story of Logansport” that articulates the great assets of Logansport (schools, hospitals, rivers, etc) as well as opportunities and advantages of living and working in Logansport (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Develop a consistent and clear marketing message and delivery system that establishes the desired perception and identity of Logansport (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Develop testimonials regarding the great assets and quality of life in Logansport (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Expand external communication efforts related to community news, activities and amenities that is focused on engaging more citizen input and engagement in Logansport (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Develop a specialized marketing message which promotes the offerings and unique opportunities of the K-12 school system (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)
- Create marketing strategy to highlight and promote the key features, character and uses of existing parks within the system. (Logansport Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016)