One North General Street (Trelleborg site) Redevelopment / Storyville Apartments
In February 2023, the City of Logansport was awarded $490,500 to address blighted conditions by demolishing the concrete slab foundation of the Trelleborg site, located at One North General Street in Logansport.
The project includes removal of the concrete slab, proper disposal of the material, backfill and grade, and returning the lot to a public greenspace and a potential future trailhead.
The project was awarded to Advanced Demolition Services at the low bid of $419,776.79 with work to be performed in December 2023 and January 2024.
The 12.52+ acre property was rezoned from Light Industrial to High Density Residential (R4) in Summer 2024.
The 4% Tax Credit “Storyville Apartments” development would include 72 workforce housing units, green space, and a possible child care facility, with a proposed development cost of $17,315,013.
City of Logansport awarded Blight Clearance Program grant for One North General Street; (Feb. 23, 2023)
In February 2023, the City of Logansport was awarded funding to address blighted conditions by demolishing the concrete slab foundation of the Trelleborg site, located at One North General Street in Logansport.| More info