August 2023 Logansport Parks Board Meeting Report
On August 9, 2023, the Logansport Parks & Recreation Board meeting took place. Discussed was the plan of action for the lower Spencer Pavilion, new business with Cass County Family Y, and management reports from staff members.
A single response was received for the Request for Proposals(RFP) regarding the Lower Spencer Shelter. This proposal was received by the team of KJG Architecture and Steinberger Construction. It was stated that the options are to stabilize, restore, and/ or rebuild the structure. It was mentioned that the structure should be stabilized initially, and future options could then be discussed. The historic significance of the shelter was discussed, as well as the priority of public funds required to historically preserve the shelter over constructing something new.
Although no final decision was made, Parks Board Members agreed to create a resolution regarding the need to place the shelter & / or the park under the Logansport Historic Preservation Commission’s authority before the next meeting. It was also suggested to meet with KJG/Steinberger to work out a contract for the stabilization before the next board meeting.
The Parks Board agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cass County Family Y. In the months of September and October, the CCFY will be using Huston Park free of charge for flag football practices.
Administrator’s management report given by Jan Fawley shared that the city pool is now closed and Riverside site plan revisions have been completed. An amount of $2,448 was collected at the roadblock for the Wright Street Bark Park and funds in the amount of $34,500 have been reached. CIPT fundraising will begin as soon as the dog park fundraising is complete.
The Golf Course Manager report shared by Dean Vietti stated that the golf course is up $70,000 over the last year and is in great shape – better mowers mean better fairways and greens.
Recreation Director, Kara Yax shared that Park in a Box Program has concluded for the summer, and stated that the program has grown and ideas to tweak it for next season will be discussed. The next event will be Mother/Son Nerf War held in September where Scooter’s will provide coffee for the mothers attending.
The last staff report was given by Kevin Price, Maintenance Superintendent. Price mentioned that storms had brought down trees and large limbs throughout many of the parks. Maintenance is also working with B & S Excavating on the septic system at Dykeman.
To wrap up the board meeting, board comments were made. Jason Crittenden noted the road to the Dykeman pavilion is in need of repair or at least leveling. Jan indicated there was no specific budget for the work on the road without asking for special funding. Dave Smith indicated the LPRF has organized a work day the last Sunday of each month to help the Parks Department with clean up and weeding. Everyone is invited to pitch in and help! Dave thanked Parks Department employees for their work making our parks a great place for families..
The next meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2023 at 5:30 pm.
Questions may be directed to the Parks Administrator at 574-753-6969 or email to parksadministrator@cityoflogansport.org.
SOURCE: News release from Logansport Parks and Recreation Department