August 5, 2024 Logansport City Council Meeting and Finance Committee Meeting

The Logansport City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 5, 2024 in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of the Logansport City Building, 601 E. Broadway, Logansport, Indiana.

Prior to the meeting, there will be a Finance Committee meeting at 6:15 p.m. Topics of discussion include land gifting and miscellaneous startup expenses for the DORA district.

Meetings are typically streamed and archived on the City of Logansport YouTube channel.

The council meeting agenda and packet can be found here:

Old Business
Ordinance 2024-18
Expenditure of funds for repaving of Monticello Road (2nd reading)

New Business
Resolution 2024-132
Pledging support to Cass County Dentzel Carousel Board for replacing of current HVAC and humidifier system

Resolution 2024-133
Approving expenditure of CEDIT incentive funding for Mark Racop D/B/A Fiberglass Freaks

Resolution 2024-134
Regarding tax abatement for personal property investment for LSI Metal Fabrication Inc.

Resolution 2024-135
Regarding tax abatement for personal property investment for Logan Stamping

Resolution 2024-136
Approving Eastgate funds for survey work at Eastgate Plaza

Resolution 2024-137
Transferring appropriations for the parks department

Resolution 2024-138
Declaring a portion of the land formerly gifted to the city and its utilities for the purpose of establishing a new Ivy Tech Campus in Logansport as surplus and authorizing the mayor to execute a deed returning the unneeded land to the original donor

Ordinance 2024-20
Approving the sale of a 230 kV transmission line (1st reading)

Logansport Re-Imagined