July 1, 2024 Logansport City Council Meeting and Public Hearing

The Logansport City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, July 1, 2024 in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of the Logansport City Building, 601 E. Broadway, Logansport, Indiana.

Meetings are typically streamed and archived on the City of Logansport YouTube channel.

The meeting agenda and packet can be found here:

The following notice of public hearing was published in the Pharos-Tribune on Tuesday, May 28, 2024:


The City of Logansport, Indiana will hold a public hearing on July 1, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.(EST) in the City Council Chambers, third floor, City Building, 601 East Broadway, Logansport, Indiana, to review the appraisal of and hear public comment on the proposed sale of a 230 kV transmission line (and all assets associated with the 230 kV transmission line) (the “Transmission Line”) owned by Logansport Municipal Utilities. For those wishing to attend the public hearing virtually, please contact the Logansport Clerk Treasurer’s Office at the address or phone number below for login instructions. The purposes of the public hearing are: 1) to review and explain the appraisal of the Transmission Line; and 2) to receive public comment on the proposed sale or disposition of the Transmission Line. Logansport provides this notice of public hearing in accordance with Ind. Code § 8-1.5-2-5. A copy of the appraisal is posted on Logansport’s website https://www.logansportutilities.com/ and also has been placed in the Logansport Clerk Treasurer’s Office, 601 East Broadway, Suite 203, Logansport, Indiana 46947 and is available for public inspection during regular business hours.

Additional items on the agenda for the July 1, 2024 meeting include:

Old Business

Ordinance 2024-13:
Rezoning property located at 1317 Melbourne Avenue (1st Reading)

Proposed zoning would be changed from OS, Open Space to R3, Medium Density Residential. This property is currently used as Melbourne Park. The Parks Board has marked this park as surplus per Res. 2021-18.

Ordinance 2024-17
The copy of Ordinance 2024-17 included in the meeting packet reads “An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Logansport, Indiana rezoning property located at 1 General Street, Logansport, Indiana.”

Proposed zoning of the former Trelleborg site would be changed from I1, Light Industrial to R4, High Density Residential

(The description on the meeting agenda reads: “A resolution of the Common Council of the City of Logansport, Indiana, Amendment for the Logansport Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) located 1 General Street in Logansport Indiana – 1st reading,” which was passed on June 3.)

Resolution 2024-126
Approving form of request for proposals ratifying publication of notice and actions in respect thereto

Board of Works has requested that the Common Council ratify the form and publication of the RFP for the Dykeman Clubhouse project and authorize the City and Board of Works to move forward with publication of notices and approvals required to enter into a BOT Agreement for the project.

New Business

Ordinance 2024-18
Approving expenditure of funds for repaving of Monticello Road (1st reading)

Logansport Street Department is requesting additional appropriation not to exceed $45,000 from the Local Roads and Streets Fund for repaving of Monticello Road.

Total estimate is $309,375.

2024 Budget shows $270,000 budgeted with $150,000 from Motor Vehicle Highway Restricted (state revenue from gasoline taxes) and $120,000 from Local Roads and Streets (state revenue based on mileage and other criteria for future road paving projects)

Resolution 2024-129
Approving the expenditure of CEDIT incentive funding for 4Bros LLC

Request for $75,000 in CEDIT funds for upgrades to building at 710 Burlington Avenue. Total project cost of approximately $694,000.

Resolution 2024-130
Transferring appropriations for the Information Technology Department

Transfer of $40,000 from Cumulative Cap Fund 301 Line Item – Software to Fund 100 Line Item Managed Services.

Ordinance 2024-19
Establishing Indiana Department of Workforce Employer Training Grant Fund (1st reading)

Establishes Employer Training Grant fund for $2,150 grant received by City of Logansport building comm to be used for allowable expenses for the Employer Training Grant Program.

Logansport Re-Imagined