Category Updates

Groundbreaking ceremony held for new Logansport Police Station

The City of Logansport and Steinberger Construction held a groundbreaking ceremony on Oct. 14, 2022 for the new Logansport Police Station. The project will renovate the former Logansport Juvenile Correctional facility located at 729 High St for $5.84 million and…

Chase Road paving scheduled for October 4-5, 2022

Paving of Chase Road is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4 and 5. On Tuesday, drivers will encounter flaggers and possible delays, and are encouraged to take another route if possible. On Wednesday, the roundabout at Chase/Davis/Perrysburg will be…

Chase Road resurfacing project to begin September 28, 2022

UPDATE: The Cass County Highway Department says they have been informed of a change in schedule by the contractor for the Chase Road resurfacing project. Asphalt milling is now scheduled to begin Wednesday, September 28. Paving will likely be delayed…

Logansport Re-Imagined